Set Student Subject Number/Edit student subjects

In student subject number, you’ll be able to set the number of subjects done by an individual student. This is mostly used by high schools where different students have different subject combinations.

  • Click on settings, then click on “Student subjects” to open up a new form


  • The form will be as shown below, fill in the correct details. Type in the different admission numbers to add multiple students( i.e 1234,234,345). This is useful when adding subject combinations done by the same students. Enter the class, Term, and Year. Choose the subjects and then click on the “Submit” button to save the details.


  • To edit the student subjects click on “Show all” to display every student and the subjects they take.


  • Search for the student using student name in the search bar then click on “update” to change the student subjects


  • A new popup window will open as shown, fill in the details you want and click update
